Building Infrastructure Inspection

The inspection of infrastructure is often tedious, costly, and hazardous. Our aerial infrastructure inspection services can help you to avoid unnecessary risks and expenditures, in terms of both time and money.

Importantly, drones mitigate risks to the safety of personnel that are presented in common place infrastructure inspections. By operating from a safe area on the ground, you will not have to worry about exposing employees to hazards that may include toxic emissions, heavy machinery in motion, high voltage equipment, traffic, or falls. Allow us to create and initiate a plan that has been created with your specific needs in mind.

Our inspection projects typically compose a fraction of the field time when measured against older methods used for inspections. Further, the quick turnaround of our aerial imagery and video services will not only allow for efficient inspection of assets, but also provide intricate records to compare inspections to in the future. Such documentation is substantially helpful when tracking the status of maintenance and instances of disrepair.

We offer a range of imagery and video services that can help you to conduct high quality inspections in an efficient and effective manner. Examples of the use of inspections we can assist you with include but are not limited to, the use thermal imagery cameras to check for energy loss from one of your organization’s facilities, the collection imagery and video footage of water system assets, and the use of high resolution ortho imagery to assess the condition of parking lots. Our team will be happy to assist you in selecting the right services for your project.